Losing a friend or loved one can affect all parts of your life. This experience can change you as a person, and often you will not emerge on the other side as the same person, as all our experiences shape us. Instead, bereavement is about acceptance, learning to adjust to life without the person and being able to find a place to keep their memories alive.
Grief, although normal, can manifest in many ways. Anger, withdrawal, numbness, there is no right or wrong way to grieve. However, a loss can affect all aspects of your life. Therefore it is advised to allow yourself to talk and work through the process in a safe and secure space, as holding on to loss and sadness can prolong the pain and manifest into other mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety.
If you feel this is a service you need, please do reach out and get in touch. liz@lizwhiteleycounselling.com or call 07388462807 for more information.
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